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rxvt backspace still broken

I have reported this as a bug before but it is still an issue.

This perhaps is something that the developers need to decide on.

rxvt still doesn't work with, for example, ncftp.  The backspace key
does not perform the desired action (c-H does, though).

With xterm, I have never had any problem with the backspace and it
continues to work fine.

However, rxvt does not work so well.  It seems that some
curses/ncurses programs do not correctly interpret the backspace
sequence that rxvt is sending.

The latest communication from rxvt's maintainer stated that rxvt is
now set to use whatever stty erase is set to in the CALLING
environment -- NOT what the rxvt terminfo/termcap is set to.  Since
the calling environment will often set erase to ^? (when rxvt is
started from a menu or button bar) but both xterm and rxvt terminfo
entries define it as ^H, this could definately be a problem (and is).

I believe that xterm/rxvt should call stty (or whatever) such that the 
environment they start up is set to use the same as is defined in the
term{cap,info} database.

Or -- why does xterm always seem to work but rxvt seems to be broken?
It has had various problems with backspace for a long time.

Additionally, kvt (the KDE port of rxvt) suffers from some of the same 


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