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faqomatic needs a leader

I used the term leader for lack of a better term.

For those that don't know, faqomatic is a program for creating
web pages to distribute information. What makes it interesting
is that users can add information to the pages if the creator

Each page has a 'maintainer' who has total control of the page
A common way to set it up is that the maintainer
sets up the permissions so any user can add information.
Essentially this can be used to create FAQs automatically - hence
the name.

Faqomatic is going to be set up to organize user questions
from debian-user so that users can easily look up answers
to their questions. Over time, we should be able to create
an extremely useful database of common questions with answers.
It includes search capabilities.

What is needed is someone who can take the time to set up
the initial framework (for example creating different categories
for questions and adding explanatory text). You will also need
to experiment with different permission strategies for pages.
Ideally, users will do all the work of adding questions and then
answering them.

This is a great opportunity to do something new for Debian
that could really set up apart from the other distributions.
Few people have much experience with this sort of thing so
you will initially have a lot of latitude to set things up
however you see fit.

I haven't set it up yet as you need to set up the permissions
on the main page right away. See
for more information.

Sorry if I rambled a bit. I'm quite tired.

- Jay

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