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Re: Intent to package: umich-ldap / WNPP: Dermot Bradley probably not maintaining packages

On 3 Dec 1997, Ed Donovan wrote:

> I think Dermot Bradley isn't actively maintaining packages.  I sent mail
> to one of his addresses, about packaging gated, a while back.  I didn't
> hear from him, though I saw gated came off the WNPP list under his name
> later on.  His packages in the archive are mrtg, libgd, libgd-dev, and
> radiusd-merit (the last already tagged as an orphan); the most recent
> date on any of them is July 24.  And I don't see any mails to -devel or
> -user from him since July.

At the minute I'm not on debian-user or debian-devel (haven't been for 5-6
months now). This was due to a change in job which meant I lost my
24hr/128K leased line Internet access and so had to cut back on the
amount of email I received.

I haven't given up my Debian packages but unfortunately I've been short of
time recently for reading the latest packaging docs and keeping my
Debian machine up-to-date. I have over the last 2 weeks upgraded my
development machine to hamm (unstable) and intend to update my packages
for hamm.

As for the current state of my packages (and proposed packages):

- libgd & libgd-dev: trying to figure how to build got libc5 and libc6
versions using debmake - any help welcomed.

- mrtg: depends on me first finishing libgd and libgd-dev

- hylafax (hylafax-serever, hylafax-client, hylafax-doc): my last (first?)
version is still in project/experimental. Now that I've got my machine
running libc6 I indend to rebuild this and put it into unstable.

- gated (proposed): I built a package about 8-10 months ago but due to the
requirement for a license (because of the OSPF code) it couldn't go into
Debian (this was discussed on debian-devel back then). I still have my
.dsc and .diffs.gz files for this for an older version and I started work
on packaging gated 3.5.7 for libc6 last week (I see 3.5.8 has *just* come
out). Any suggestions what to do with the finished version? could it go in
non-free or would that still cause license problems?

- ldap (proposed): built an unreleased package but could never get slurpd
to work (threads problem). Intending to build under libc6 which is
supposed to have better threads support. An alternative option is that
Critical Angle have an RPM version of their heavily hacked Umich ldap.

- nocol (proposed): built an unreleased package many months ago and then
emailed nocol's author with my Linux patches. I've been waiting for the
nocol author to release 4.2 (which should have my patches) before
uploading a package of it - he told me about month ago that it would be
out within a week - still no sign :-)

- radiusd-merit: haven't looked at this for some time. Indeed someone else
did a non-maintainer release about 6 months ago so I let this one drop.

> So I think he's probably just gotten too busy, and you should go for it
> with ldap, Brian.  :-)

Not too busy, just having problems keeping up with packaging
standards/libc5-libc6 migration/debmake changes/Debian upgrades before I
can start updating my packages :-(

BTW Can anyone tell me how to create a package based on pristine source
using debmake?


Dermot Bradley
bradley@oldcolo.com, bradley@debian.org

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