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Re: bo-updates packages

apharris@onshore.com (Adam P. Harris) writes:

> The issue of keeping Debian bo crunchy and fresh w/o inhibiting the bold
> experimentalism of the hamm lineage is critical to Debian's success.  I
> know a lot of people, even within my company, using Debian in a production
> environment, but frustrated by the lagginess of package such as xemacs,
> perl, etc. etc.
Yeah, this is truly a pity.  Since all maintainers are unpaid
volunteers who most probably have a life and a profession besides
Debian it is not very likely that this distribution is kept up to
date. I've complaned about this myself before and have therefore opted
for the creation of a bo-addons or bo-unstable directory (call it
whatever you like) to enable uploads of libc5 compiled versions of
hamm packages. I've become a maintainer since a while and would like
to start uploading my libc5 packages. Any news about it?

                                Cheers, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         pseelig@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   My Homepage in the WWW at the URL http://www.uni-mainz.de/~pseelig 

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