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bo-updates packages

[You (Hamish Moffatt)]
> Or does any of this matter ? :-)

The issue of keeping Debian bo crunchy and fresh w/o inhibiting the bold
experimentalism of the hamm lineage is critical to Debian's success.  I
know a lot of people, even within my company, using Debian in a production
environment, but frustrated by the lagginess of package such as xemacs,
perl, etc. etc.

I guess this is probably a policy discussion, but I'm not on that list.  I
was pleased to see the version numbering std.  Since there's no existing
policy documentation on keeping bo fresh based on a recompile of a hamm
package, maybe someone familiar with the discussion can answer the
following questions:

* Is it kosher for a non-package maintainer to do an upload of a hamm
  package recompile for bo? 
* Where would this non-maintainer-created upload go?
* Do std maintainer created packages get upload to a wierd place or to 
  the std place?

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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