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Re: problem with libmime-perl_3.204-1.deb in hamm

Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@rosebud.ml.org> writes:
> libmime-base64-perl is a new package. I sent email to its maintainer about
> how and why it is bigger/better/a possible replacement for mine, but I have
> yet to hear from him.  Michael ?

Sorry, been away for a week.

libmime-base64-perl implements a MIME::Base64 module, which provides
appropriate en-/de-coding of base64 stuff.

It was originally part of libwww-perl, but Gisle Aas unbundled it,
since it's demonstrably not libwww-specific.

If your package provides a truly interface- and name-compatible
module, then I'm fine with removing mine from the distribution and
adding a 'Provides' line to your package, which relieves me of a
package, which is not a problem at all.

If it presents a similarly named, but interface-incompatible module,
I'm not sure what we'll do.  Given the good coordination that the Perl
Modules list has, I think that unlikely.

If it provides a bunch of other MIME::* modules, but not MIME::Base64,
well, I'm open to suggestions---it makes a certain conceptual sense to
bundle them all together, but there's the general proscription against
aggregate packages.  It might make sense to ask the upstream authors
what they think---CGI-modules includes both CGI.pm and the CGI::*
stuff at Lincoln Stein's explicit request.

So, what's the scoop?


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