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Re: Taking over production of emacs20 package.

Sten Anderson <sten@bergsoe.k-net.dk> writes:

> You are right, it might be possible. You would know that better than
> me anyway. But I don't like the idea because it is unnecessary. Why
> should a resource-hungry emacs compilation be executed just to
> install dpkg-dev? Is it really that important that
> debian-changelog-mode.el is byte-compiled during installation?

OK, I haven't investigated the compilation resource requirements that
thoroughly [1], and as I've said I'm pretty much just getting started
with the package and trying to work out these ideas.

However, if we don't generate the .elc files at install time (note
that dpkg-dev oes include both the .el and .elc files) then we're
going to severely increase the size of the debian emacs add-on
packages because they'll have to include all of the .elc files for at
least two, perhaps even three versions of emacs, and you'll get them
on your hard drive, even if you don't have the relevant version of
emacs installed.

For example, I eventually want to provide a gnus add-on package that
contains the latest "bleeding-edge" gnus for those interested.  It
really *has* to have all the files byte-compiled.  If the files are
generated at install time, the .deb file (uncompressed) will be about
800K.  If I include the .elc files pre-generated, the package it'll
probably be about 10MB.  What's worse, people who don't have both
emacs and xemacs installed will be wasting about 5MB of hard drive
space for no reason.

[1] Though is it really that big a deal as long as it gets forked off
to the background like the TeX or manpage rebuilds?

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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