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Re: Uploaded sgrep 0.99-4.1 (source i386) to master

Christian Schwarz wrote:
> The sgrep package includes a Tcl/Tk based GUI to access the sgrep
> command. It can be used to build complex search patterns.
> Since sgrep runs without Tcl/Tk of course, the package does not
> "Depend" on tcl/tk but "Recommend" this.

True, but anyway user that skips the recommendation will get a run time
error when trying to use the GUI based command.

There is another possible solution: put that GUI command on a separate
binary package (sgrep-tk or else) and make sgrep suggest it (even in the
description). The sgrep-tk then can Depend on tk and all what it needs
(maybe also sgrep, I suppose). This solution become very good if there
are separate docs (manpages, info, html etc.) for the GUI based command.
Since it depends from sgrep, both could share the same doc dir (with a
symlink), so users don't have to search for docs.

| fpolacco@icenet.fi    fpolacco@debian.org    fpolacco@pluto.linux.it
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