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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu (Paul J Thompson)  wrote on 14.11.97 in <m0xWMFS-0000YKC@thomppj.student.okstate.edu>:

>   My comment is based on
> the fact that it is not possible to truely understand the concept of the
> DFSG and its relation to Debian until you experience being a developer and
> listening to the mail for awhile.

This is of course not true. The DFSG aren't that hard to understand for  
_most_ people. (And in fact, I seem to remember when they were first  
announced, some sunsite maintainer wanted to adopt them nearly  
immediately, for example.)

>   And then someone pointed me
> towards the DFSG and I thought they were a little harsh but understandable.

"A little harsh"?! There's nothing harsh there.

> But now, I have simply come to realize that they are entirely taken to be
> too much of some kind of Bible -- and in their current state, I don't think
> they are deserving of this.

>From this discussion, I'm beginning to think they aren't enough of a  

I wasn't very dogmatic wrt free software in the past. The people here  
arguing against the DFSG are changing that - you make it clearer to me why  
the DFSG way actually must be the way to go.

> Not that I am trying to say (or ever meant to say) they were all 100% bad!
> I just was hoping for a little thought of revision.

The arguments against the DFSG I'm seeing are sufficient to convince me  
revision would be a bad idea right now.

MfG Kai

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