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Re: Proposed solution to free/non-free Debate -- Please Read!

On Nov 14, Paul J Thompson <thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu> wrote:
> I have been argueing this date for a little while now because I felt it was 
> important to the core of Debian -- not just in an effort to make trouble or 
> enemies or whatever.

I don't see you that way, and I doubt many others do, including the
people who've been the most vocal. It's just that many of us are tired
of seeing this debate every two months. The DFSG is our (the vast
majority of the developers) agreed philosophy. And while "If you don't
agree with the DFSG, then Debian isn't for you" may seem a little harsh,
it's really no different than any other organization. 

As a request: Can we please drop this until after the election? Ian J.
has already said he intends to re-introduce this topic with a formal
ammendment process. Let's not go through this twice.

And a request to both (all?) candidates: I would like to 
see a statement along the lines of "Major policy discussions for
a given topic are in order no more often than once a year."

Steve Greenland
The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

		       "I don't believe in sweeping social change being
			manifested by one person, unless he has an atomic
[Howard Chaykin]

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