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Re: libc5/libc6 conflict

> Ok, this should be a simple problem.  I want to keep all development stuff
> libc5, but have some libc6 packages.  I don't want to use altdev.


>  The
> libc6 in hamm needs the libc5 from hamm or else there is a conflict.  No
> problem but I need the newer libc5-dev, which is only an altdev.
> Does anyone see any easy answer to this?

The "answer" must be the question: why don't you want altdev.

libc5-altdev really is the same as libc5-dev, it just uses
different locations for the various files. Yes, you'll need to use
altgcc to make libc5 programmes, but that's just the way it is.

What you are asking basically isn't possible with our method of
libc5-6 transition. One could call it a shortcomming in our method,
but note that, as far as I know, debian is the only distribution where
libc5/6 apps can be built on one system. With the others, you cannot
even dream of doing what you want to do, while with debian, you can
do it, but you'll have to use altgcc.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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