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Electrical Engineering / IC design packages

I found Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux at
where several not yet debianised (but desired) packages were listed.

IC design is an area where unix is important and where for a tremendous
amount of tools source code is available (although most of the
commercial one are only available as binary for commercial unixes). I do
not know any distribution (even for commercial systems), which has many
of these free packages included.

If Debian could offer to a preconfigured system with all these
applications, many institutions would run Linux workstations beside the
commercial systems, since they save the installation effort for each
individual package.

Is anybody thinking of debianising the major packages in this field?

To name a few:
magic, spice, sigview, alliance, smv, formalcheck, ptolemy, and a whole
bundle of software from Berkley

LJ 7/97 contains valuable information as well.

(I did not check the copyright of each individual package, but at least
source code is available for most of them)

Since I have never packed Debian packages, and since I do not have the
time resources to do in a reasonable way, I would not ask to package all
these things, but at least think of looking at this (unix based) field.

Hope this contribution helps to make Debian even more popular (and some
packages find the way into prospective packages).

Rainer Dorsch
Abt. Rechnerarchitektur 
Universität Stuttgart    Tel.: 0711-7816-215

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