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including Qt on Debian

I have read the following in comp.os.linux.development.apps

>Debian is a non-profit org, but
>they too intend that their distribution should be suitable for use as
>a commercial product; thus, even though Debian GNU/Linux may not
>*itself* be a commercial product, they do not consider QT an
>appropriate thing to include.

Could you please explain to me why you don't want to include Qt on
the Debian distribution ?

The Qt library can be distributed in 2 forms: binary library version 
and development version.  Only the development version has the licensing
"problems" for commercial users.

Why not include just the binary version ?  That way programs which
need Qt will run straight away (and hence you can include KDE).
If the user wants to develop using Qt, then he/she can download the
development version themselves.

KDE is a significant step in the UNIX world, and many people would
benefit greatly from using it.  It requires the Qt library and it is
sad to see that such a great program won't be included on Linux
distributions because of some perceived commercial licensing problem.

With Regards,

Conrad Sanderson
Microelectronic Signal Processing Laboratory
Griffith University
Queensland Australia

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