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Re: What happened to the maintainer database?

Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>  a) A copyright may not be appropriate at all for data like this, and
>     hence none should be used (so the report can just be mailed/put up
>     on the web). People shall have to be pooled about their acceptance
>     of this.

I suggest:

a) A copyright may not be appropriate at all for data like this, and
   hence modificability of that type of data isn't affected by the
   license used for the package.

>  b) The package should be distributed under the same licence that the
>     GPL is distributed under.
>  c) Misc. other proposals, most of which had unresolved issues (a
>     complex non-modifying licence constructed for the package, or
>     other popular licencing schemes meant for programs or software
>     libraries and not data, etc).

because of a), c) is not required, so we can safely say b)

To let people asking for c) sleep well at night, we can add a statement
asserting personal data is not copyrighted and is protected by "privacy"
laws that don't permit to _anybody_ to modify it.

>         If we can't decide, I think the data can't be distributed at
>  all, and should probably be destroyed.

Why? at least we can distribute the data already included in the control
files. People that wants to add other data like coords and addresses
(like you and me) can send it to the package maintainer.

So people worrying for that can ask to be listed only with their
username and debian.org address. (if they don't want even that, I
suggest them to use an alias, or try the new pills against paranoia by
D.C.Inc. :-)  [no flame please, just kidding])

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