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Re: What happened to the maintainer database?

Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> 	Actually, I'd like to actually push this thing out at some
>  point. The point at which we stopped was:
>  a) A copyright may not be appropriate at all for data like this, and
>  b) The package should be distributed under the same licence that the
>     GPL is distributed under.
>  c) Misc. other proposals, most of which had unresolved issues (a
> 	I'd like people to voice their opinion on this

Well, my _opinion_ is that a. is probably true (and if not, I'd be happy
with b.) But why ask for my opinion - I'm not a lawyer. :-)

Didn't we have someone who was going to give us legal advice? They should be
asked about this, and we could then either eliminate a. or resolve the whole
issue if a. is in fact true.

see shy jo

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