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Re: What happened to the maintainer database?


	Actually, I'd like to actually push this thing out at some
 point. The point at which we stopped was:

 a) A copyright may not be appropriate at all for data like this, and
    hence none should be used (so the report can just be mailed/put up
    on the web). People shall have to be pooled about their acceptance
    of this.

 b) The package should be distributed under the same licence that the
    GPL is distributed under.

 c) Misc. other proposals, most of which had unresolved issues (a
    complex non-modifying licence constructed for the package, or
    other popular licencing schemes meant for programs or software
    libraries and not data, etc).

	I'd like people to voice their opinion on this; if c is
 popular, we need to resolve the issues. I hope we can get closer to a
 common viewpoint, and repoll the people whether their data can be
 used under whatever we decide on.

	If we can't decide, I think the data can't be distributed at
 all, and should probably be destroyed.

	I prefer b. 
 A stitch in time saves nine.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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