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Meta-D, Backspace, hamm xterm/libreadline

I just upgraded my system from a 3-week-old hamm distribution, to a
12-hour-old hamm distribution.

Now, in my bash xterms, Meta-d and backspace fail to work the
way they used to.

In my /etc/X11/Xsession I've got a 
  xmodmap -e "keycode 107 = 0x04"
that used to take care of my Backspace (or was it Delete?) problem.

The strange thing is, that in another shell that uses the same libreadline
as the new bash, "es", the Backspace key does work. But Meta-d doesn't.

Meta-d should delete a word to the right. When I now press 
Meta-d, I get \"a (in TeX speak).

Something about my configuration:
  - I'm using a "bo" Xserver, and have been doing that for months
    (the monitor/keyboard/mouse connected to
    my hamm server isn't as good as a nearby bo system).
    So, it's got nothing to do with a new server that could process
    Meta-keys differently.
  - The xterms and all other programmes themselves are all "hamm"
    versions, mirrored at 1997/10/25/06:00 GMT. (or thereabouts)
  - I tried the "bo" bash, but apparently that had the same effect.

Has anyone seen this before? Anyone know how I can get my Meta keys
to work again?


joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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