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Re: debstd-like tool for those who don't want to use debmake

Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> 	If people are still interested, I could either polish my
>  efforts with the help of deb-helper, or put it somewhere for others
>  to develop it further.

Debhelper could well be useful to you. If you run the tools with -v, or set
DH_VERBOSE, they output all commands they run that edit the debian/tmp

I suppose, I could add a --no-do type switch, and then they would _only_
output it, and not actually do anything. So maybe the tools themselves could
be used to generate the debian/rules file. 

There is a problem, though. For example, if you have a man page generated by
a configure script from a manpage.1.in file, you run dh_installmanpages to see 
what commands to run to install man pages, before configure is run, then it
will ignore that manpage.1.in file.

Anyway, do take a look at debhelper, you should find the individual tools a
bit easier to comprehend than debstd, anyway.

see shy jo

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