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Re: debstd-like tool for those who don't want to use debmake

On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Mark Baker wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Christian Schwarz wrote:
> > (If you think I missed automake purposes totally--which is likely to be
> > the case--please show me how a new debian/rules file would look like.)
> You did.
> The debian/rules file would like just like it was written manually, with
> no references to debstd or anything.
> It would be generated by automake based on a debian/rules.ar file which
> had lots of macros, and was probably fairly similar to what the rules file
> in Joey's idea would look like.

Ok, this sounds intresting.

Anyways, I think that both approaches (debhelper and automake) have their
advantages. Since they don't seem to conflict, every developer can use
the solution of his/her choice.



--                 Christian Schwarz
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