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Re: building packages : dependencies and shlibs

Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@dungeon.inka.de> writes:

> how can i use %${shlibs:Depends} for several packeges ?
> it only works for the first binary package of a source package.
> but if i have a library (that depends on other libraries) and a binary
> package, i could use such a feature.

You need to give the -p option to dpkg-gencontrol to tell it which
package to use.  A seperate dpkg-shlibdeps is used for each line.  You
can look at bash/libreadline sources for an example.  There I've had
to edit the substvars in debian/rules as I was building a library and
binaries which depend on it in one source package.

> what is the easiest way to get the versio number of a package ?
> my shlibs has to be "libkdecore 0 kdelibs (= ${Source-Version})"
> but there is no $ expansion in shlibs files, so i have to do this on my
> own.

You don't need to keep the latest version number in that package.
Presumably something compiled with 1.1-2, for example, will still work
with 1.1-1.  Just insert the earliest version that the library is
backward compatible with.


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