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Re: kde and files location

On 22 Sep 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Brian" == Brian White <bcwhite@verisim.com> writes:
> >> No, this is not correct. We, as Debian, *Never* put things under
> >> /opt. Other people (not Debian) do. Software on Debian FTP sites
> >> *never* goes into /opt. This seems a clear and objective
> >> distinction.
> Brian> Where should the netscape installer put the files from the
> Brian> original netscape archive?
> 	Hmm. Well, the original netscape files are not part of Debian,
>  it is a binaty only distribution anyway (I don't know if that is
>  relevant), so the installer may legitimately put netscape under
>  /opt. I think.

I'd say you can either install into /opt or into the current location. As
long as you adapt the paths and check that it integrates into Debian well
without filename conflicts (it's fine as it is now) I don't have a problem
with installing it into /usr/X11R6/bin.



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