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Re: Bug#12856: bug system shouldn't send 200Kb-mails to maintainers

On Sep 16, Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> wrote:
> 	I keep hearing proposals from people to not see bugs on the
>  web (only see a subset), and now, not even on the mailing list. The
>  process is being asked to be made voluntary and optional, so it would
>  be easier to ignore the reports. I think we should be fixing bugs
>  rather than hiding them.

The problem is that having a 200Kb list is already doing a pretty
good job of hiding them. If the bug system sent each developer with
one or more bugs the summary of *their* bugs, I think that would
be a good thing. Even better, if I could (easily) get the complete
bug item (i.e. all the correspondence) for each of my bugs.

I, for one, would find the following commands quite useful:

send summary developer <developer>
send summary package <package>

Bug system sends a summary of all bugs for the specified developer or

send bugs developer <developer> 
send bugs package <package>

Complete bug transcripts for the developer or package (replies with one
e-mail message per bug)

Yes, I usually keep the active bugs in my mail, but "quiet" bug reports
don't show up. The web pages are mostly useless: the only reliable one
is UK one, which is (for me) a fairly slow link. The US mirror is almost
always[1] significantly out of date.

I'm not in favor of hiding bugs from users -- although it might be
nice to have a separate web list for each severity, now that we have
serverities (Thanks, Ian!). In fact, I think it would be cool to have a
link from the individual package pages to the outstanding bugs for that
package (although I guess you'd have to deal with stable vs. unstable,
which could be non-trivial).

Steve Greenland

[1] "Almost Always" == every time I look at it.

The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

			"But I can't excuse that FLASH GORDON review.  That
			 was the *dumbest* movie ever made."
[A fan of Baron's who can't excuse just *one* little thing]

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