Re: Tetris packages - need a less-trademarked name
>>>>> "Manong" == Manong Dibos <> writes:
Manong> But if they are fresh to it, and JUST want to install a
Manong> tetris like game, they'll go /tetris in dselect, nothing
Manong> will come up, so bammo, they shrug and move on and never
Manong> find it.
How real is that? It think they'll look under `games', and read the
descriptions that are so nicely presented (without having to press f1
for each and every one) and well written...
Hey, is it legal to mention `Tetris' in the package description, iff
the fact that it is a registered trademark of some so-and-so's lawyer
is mentioned? ;-)
Manong> Etc. Its just kludgy and totally contrary to current
Manong> practice.
-- (Karl M. Hegbloom)
Portland, OR USA
Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux pre-2.0.31-9+select+QNX AMD K5 PR-133
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