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Re: Bug#12506: #!/bin/bash - Solaris compatibility??

>>>>> "Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <clameter@waterf.org> writes:

Christoph> I think we should face up to the fact that most of our
Christoph> scripts are bash dependant. Most of our rules files are
Christoph> too. 

I agree that debstd should use `/bin/bash' rather than `/bin/sh'. It
should not matter on a Debian system, and on a non-linux system most
package scripts would not work anyway.

And debstd is after all just a suggestion. If one really hates the
idea, it a small matter to change it. One could even consider to ask
the user what is preferred. In fact, if debstd should really be
compatible with non-linux platforms it should ask questions such as:

	What is your prefix: [/usr]

	Where is perl5: [${prefix}/bin/perl]

	Where is bash: [/bin/bash]

It would probably be possible to discover that this is really a Debian
system (for by checking on some of the base packages).

Christoph> /bin/sh might be changed to ash or something under Linux.

However, this would probably not be a good idea, IMHO.

I assume that most linux systems has /bin/sh being bash, and changing
this would possibly aggrevate a bunch of ordinary Debian users who
couldn't care two bits about compability with Solaris (or package
maintenance for that matter).

We should do what is necessary to help package maintaners, but not at
the cost of the ordinary users, and certainly not in opposition to the
rest of the linux community if not absolutely necessary.

Package maintainers working on non-linux platforms are facing numerous
other problems and must be expected to be able to cope with
this. Instead there should hopefully at some point be a chapter in the
policy manual on how to write a package that will be nice to non-linux
platforms and a chapter with tips and tricks for actually doing it.

Christian Lynbech          | Computer Science Department, University of Aarhus
Office: R0.32              | Ny Munkegade, Building 540, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 8942 3218       | lynbech@daimi.aau.dk -- www.daimi.aau.dk/~lynbech
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)

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