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Re: In praise of fakeroot

debstd is a script coming with the debmake package. debmake also contains
a script called build to make building of debian packages easy. If you
have debmake installed just go to the sourcedirectory and try typing

You can find documentation in /usr/doc/debmake. Most of debmake consists
of shell scripts that can be easily read.

On Fri, 5 Sep 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 04, 1997 at 07:48:09PM -0700, Christoph Lameter wrote:
>> I have played around with fakeroot and its really an amazing package. I
>> would like to have dpkg use that by default. This seems to be the final
>> solution to the security issues with building packages.
>> Debmake was released today with a "build" command that will automatically
>> build the package using fakeroot if it has not been equipped with
>> superuser rights.
>Could someone give me a quick rundown on what debmake does exactly?
>I based my package on hello-debmake from projects/experimental,
>but as I recall it only uses debstd, not debmake, and I just
>build it with dpkg-buildpackage. Is there a better tool?

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