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Re: Portable dpkg - local changelogs


	I do not see the connection between the file name and
 debian-changelog-mode. Call the file whatever you wish, and add to
 the bottom:

Local variables:
mode: debian-changelog

	Bingo, Emacs knows what mode the file should be in. No need to
 change the .el file. Ok?

 ...Veloz is indistinguishable from hundreds of other electronics
 businesses in the Valley, run by eager young engineers poring over
 memory dumps late into the night.  The difference is that a bunch of
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 writing code and driving fast. "Electronics puts its foot on the
 gas", IEEE Spectrum, May 88
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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