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Why a config. file is preserved by dpkg?


I finished building my unofficial Samba package for the just released
1.9.17 version. When I installed the latest official version from Bo
I noticed that /etc/smb.conf is configuration file but at installation
time I am not given the option to choose whether to install the package
version of the config. file or to leave the current config. file 

Since I based my unofficial package on the maintainer's version, the same
problem shows up in my package.

Anyone has seen this before? Do I need to set a special flag in a certain
file in the debian directory of the upstream source code? Is this a bug
that should be reported so the maintainer fixes it?

My config. file and the one in the package are different since I have 
made some modifications.




Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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