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Re: Should packages depend on cron?

Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

> I've have another idea: I think we only need a solution of how to handle
> /etc/cron.* jobs if the system was not running at about 6:45am (that's
> when the jobs are executed).
> Anacron keeps track of which jobs where executed at which time simply be
> writing a time-stamp into the /var/spool/anacron/* files. So what about
> changing "run-parts" to update these files if "cron" did execute the jobs?

As long as we don't run into synchronization problems between cron and
anacron's config files, this would probably be fine.  For example, say
the local admin changed the relevant cron jobs to run at 1:00AM.
Would you have to remember to change something for anacron too?


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