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Re: Should packages depend on cron?

On 25 Jul 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

> Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:
> > I've have another idea: I think we only need a solution of how to handle
> > /etc/cron.* jobs if the system was not running at about 6:45am (that's
> > when the jobs are executed).
> > 
> > Anacron keeps track of which jobs where executed at which time simply be
> > writing a time-stamp into the /var/spool/anacron/* files. So what about
> > changing "run-parts" to update these files if "cron" did execute the jobs?
> As long as we don't run into synchronization problems between cron and
> anacron's config files, this would probably be fine.  For example, say
> the local admin changed the relevant cron jobs to run at 1:00AM.
> Would you have to remember to change something for anacron too?

Anacron does not have a certain time when it's being run. That's why it's
called `anacron' (anac(h)ronistic cron ;-). Anacron can be run every 5
minutes if you want. It checks when a specific job was executed for the
last time and how often it should run. If the job has to be run again,
it'll start it (with a certain delay, that can be specified for each job).



--                 Christian Schwarz
Do you know         schwarz@monet.m.isar.de, schwarz@schwarz-online.com,
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