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Re: e2fsprogs 1.10-4 doesn't work on partitions > 2GB

   Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 14:41:14 +0200
   From: Yann Dirson <dwitch@monge.univ-mlv.fr>

   Jarno Paananen writes:
    > just installed e2fsprogs 1.10-4 and on the next boot noticed that
    > I shouldn't have. All accesses to >2GB area fail in this fashion:
    > (I don't have the exact message...)
    > Block xxxxx seek failure (Success) in inode scan. Ignore <y>
    > My surprise was to see that (Success) in there...

   Mmmh... the only difference in the binaries should be that 1.10-4 is
   the first package I compiled with libc6 (unless I broke the make
   process, but I don't think so, as it works perfectly for me)

If the accesses to >2GB are failing, that means that somehow you've
linked with a version of libc that has a broken implementation of

							- Ted

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