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Re: Plans for packaging GIMP 0.99

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@calder.med.miami.edu> writes:

    >> libgimp -- The libgimp and libgimpui libraries libgimp-dev --
    >> The header files and static libraries for above

    Michael> Are these likely to use used separately from both GIMP
    Michael> and gtk?  I guess plug-ins might link with this and not
    Michael> gtk?  If so, it's probably reasonable, but you don't want
    Michael> *needless* package proliferation.

I'm not exactly sure if they're likely to be used separately; I was
told that it's policy to separate the libraries out just in case, for
dependancies and version number changes.

Plug-ins link with both this and gtk, for the most part.

    >> libgtk -- The libgtk and libgdk widget libraries for X
    >> libgtk-dev -- The header files and static libraries for above

    Michael> Please don't forget to encode the sonames of the library
    Michael> into at least the library package name, so you get
    Michael> libgtk0 or libgtk1.  This allows multiple, incompatible
    Michael> versions of the library to exist on a single system, so
    Michael> that, say, if someone compiles gzilla, and then libgtk
    Michael> goes through some large interface change that renders it
    Michael> totally incompatible, it will be possible for users of
    Michael> gzilla to keep the old library around and thus use both
    Michael> gimp and gzilla until gzilla is adapted.

Ah, okay, so I'll make it libgtk1. Does the dev package want the
soname as well? libgtk1-dev or just libgtk-dev? Should I do the
same with libgimp/libgimp-dev?

    >> The header information seems to want to go into
    >> /usr/include/libgimp and /usr/include/gtk -- this isn't part of
    >> the FSSTND (I couldn't find the FHS on the web..)  but is it
    >> kosher? The header files are for compiling your own plugins,
    >> for the most part.

    Michael> Or other programs, like gzilla or gmail or whatever.

    Michael> If most stuff compiled with gtk uses '#include
    Michael> <gtk/llama.h>', put them in /usr/include/gtk.  If most
    Michael> stuff compiled with gtk just uses <llama.h>, just drop
    Michael> them in /usr/include.  The packaging system is supposed
    Michael> to allow users to not have to worry about such clutter...

Most stuff seems to use <gtk/llama.h> :) So I'll put it in

    >> The textures, gradients, and scripts seem to want to go into
    >> /usr/share/gimp -- again, is this legal? Or should I re-write
    >> things to put them into a different place?

    Michael> I think debian has succumbed to using /usr/share for
    Michael> arch-independent support files.

*grin* So that's not a wonderful thing, but it works. Okee, thanks.

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