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Packaging system improvements

You might or might not have seen my proposal about "compilers, VM's,
etc.". IMO, it would address points 3b (retrieving source packages),
3f (source-depends), 7 (file types), 9 (non-linux architectures).

For those who didn't see the proposal and comments, here are

The original proposal:
<199706302141.XAA01505@bylbo.nowhere.earth>; from Yann Dirson on Jun 30, 1997

Some more things it would make possible:
<[🔎] 199707041036.MAA00748@bylbo.nowhere.earth>; from Yann Dirson on 04 Jul 1997

An alternate summary with more ideas:
<[🔎] 199707042253.PAA31188@fleming.jimpick.com>; from Jim Pick on 04 Jul 1997

All of these mails are cited as references.

As to 1 (Keywords), they will be better addressed by a better
sectionning scheme (see <[🔎] 199707011849.UAA00558@bylbo.nowhere.earth> in
the "Sub-categorizing /usr/doc" thread)

About 3a (Debianized sources location), I second the idea there should
only be a policy on what it contains, not where it is

3c: pristine sources could be handled by wrapper packages, just as
netscape, whose package doesn't contain the binaries

3d: absolutely no policy on how we'll handle anything for debian users
will prevent us to use tar/gz/diff for export :)

7 (include or exclude a specific file type) will be trivial if
packages just handle ONE file-type (see "VM's...")

9: that's just what my Virtual-Machine scheme is all about. Just add
to it some inheritance: 

PC-compatible: i386
Linux-i386: Linux, PC-compatible
NeXTStep-i386: NeXTStep, PC-compatible
Linux-amiga68k: Linux, amiga68k
amiga68k: m68k

You'll note we'll need multiple inheritance, here.

Yann Dirson <dirson@univ-mlv.fr>

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