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Re: pentium optimized packages.

>>>>> "SP" == Shaya Potter <spotter@itd.nrl.navy.mil> writes:

SP> I am compiling a bunch of packages with pgcc.  If anyone wants to
SP> try them they will be at http://chum.itd.nrl.navy.mil/pentium/.
SP> So far I have only done gzip, and I get around a 10 percent speed
SP> increase with the pentium optimized version.  Then again I was
SP> only testing it on a small file, so the real increases may be
SP> bigger.  Remember, you're really on your own with these packages,
SP> I'm basically just trying to test out pgcc to see if their are any
SP> major bugs in it.

A fellow here has a pgcc compiled kernel in his Linux box. He uses
this kernel since some time and had not found any problem.

 Emilio C. Lopes <mailto:Emilio.Lopes@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE>

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