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Re: doc-base: next proposal for doc policy

> I plan to work on the "doc-base" package this weekend. So if you don't
> have anything better to do the next days :-) I'd appreciate your help on
> this! 

Saturnday and Sunday I'll be somewere in middle-italy with no
access to the net. Sorry. Anyway I am interested and if you need
some help on the following week...

> Note, that there are several design issues which are not yet resolved (for
> example, location of files, etc.) but I plan to do more experimenting on
> that stuff before discussed the different options here.
[some collage on your next mail...]

> Since the "*.info" are only generated when you install either
> "doc-base" and select info output, or when you install a package
> containing a texinfo manual (and you selected info output before),
> these files can go into /usr/info as usually.

I agree. BTW, how do you think to have packages autmagically install info
files after you have installed doc-base?

> What would be the best way to get the PostScript files? I see two
> different options that should be supported either case: generation on
> demand, as you run `man -t', and generation via a CGI script, for
> example, "dwww" will contain a menu of all available docs. It would be
> nice to have a hyperlink "printable version" next to the hyperlink
> that links to the HTML document, which will link to a CGI script that
> generates the postscript version on-the-fly...

Really cool. (If you have a K6...) 
Maybe the CGI script can offer the choice between saving the PS or
printing and then removing it. In the first case we need a default
directory to save the PS to. I suggest something like /var/ps-doc or
/var/psman, based on the fact that we already have /var/catman.

> So I would suggest using
>       /usr/doc/<pkg>/html
> for arbitrary HTML files, and
>       /usr/doc/<pkg>/html-info

I agree completely.


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