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Re: inetd question

tobias@et-inf.fho-emden.de (Peter Tobias)  wrote on 13.06.97 in <[🔎] 19970613125310.05450@zaphod>:

> On Jun 13, Michael Meskes wrote:
> > Thanks Peter.
> >
> > I guess it's the ident service. So I try nowait.120 and see what
> > happens.
> Of course it is the ident service (that's what the error message of
> inetd said). But the ident service is not a service that is used
> alone. You have an application/service which is called as often
> as the ident service. You should have a look at this application.
> Your problem could also be an entry in hosts.allow or hosts.deny.
> If you use a username (xxx@...) there the tcp_wrapper will do an
> ident/auth lookup for that service (or for all services if the ALL
> keyword has been used).

You are somewhat confused here.

The identd service is called from the _other_ end of the connection (to  
find out who sits on your end).

If you actually do have a econd service called just as often, then either  
the ident connections are local (both ends on your machine), or else the  
second service is some sort of forwarder (like a web proxy), so every time  
it is called, it calls out to somewhere else, and that somewhere else then  
does an ident query.

> Using "nowait.120" is of course a solution but it is probably better
> to find the application that is causing the problem.

It is not clear that there is a problem, other than heavy use. There may  
be, of course, such as ident queries actually causing more ident queries,  
but we don't know yet if something like that happens.

MfG Kai

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