Re: using dselect with hamm/non-free, hamm/contrib
On May 20, Buddha Buck wrote
> Even with this, I can't get it to work. I'm running into the same
> problem Mr. Hess reported. Using dir: /debian dist: unstable, I have
> been able to get hamm, but no combination I've tried has allowed me to
> get hamm/non-free or hamm/contrib. I can get the packages files, but
> not the packages themselves.
I was able to get the packages after I did:
# cd /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp
# mkdir Packages.hamm
# ln -s `pwd`/Packages.hamm_hamm Packages.hamm/hamm
I don't know if this should be considered a problem with
the ftp method or with the archive.
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