Re: Proposal: New source format
On Sat, 10 May 1997, Jim Pick wrote:
> > Vincent Renardias wrote:
> > > Your proposal looks good, but there's already a great source handling
> > > system in rpm. I'm *NOT* suggesting to switch to rpm, but I really like
> > > rpm's way to handle _source_ packages. We can probably take advantage of
> > > a system that is known to already work (maybe not reusing 100% of it, but
> > > at least taking the key ideas).
> >
> > I haven't really looked at RPM, so I'm not sure of what they are doing,
> > other than having .SRPM files. I don't think they have separate upstream
> > source packages though.
> Ok - I just looked at it.
> Here's an idea:
> the .sdeb package would have a "dependency" on a .upsdeb
> So why not also have the option of building .sdeb's based on .srpms?
> Then the builder of the .sdeb could upload to master:
> - one or more .deb's with the binaries for various architectures
> to be placed in the binary directories
> - one .sdeb with the Debian modifications
> to be placed in the source directories
> - one or more .upsdeb's or .srpm's with the upstream sources
> to be placed in the source/upstream directories
what do Ianj & Klee think of this? (Since they are the main persons
behind dpkg ;)
- ** Linux ** +-------------------+ ** WAW ** -
- | RENARDIAS Vincent | -
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