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Re: /dev/ttyS? dialin/dialout and modes.

In article <[🔎] 19970429020413.15337@dungeon.inka.de>,
Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@dungeon.inka.de> wrote:
>> No, you can't put uucp in the group dialout. I know what you mean; just
>> add uucp to the dialout group in /etc/group, right? But that only
>> works on login, because /bin/login calls initgroups() and youhave to
>> be root to do that.
>ok. learned something new again. i
>by the way : do cron and su call this initgroups() ?


>> > > In the mean time, I've filed bug reports against all getty packages
>> > > to set the modes to uucp:dialout/0660. While that isn't perfect
>> > > if you are right and root:dialout would be better, it is the first
>> > > step in the right direction.
>ok, next makedev will have all tty* and cu* (they are in class dialout)
>changed to uucp:dialout. but this will not change any system, as long as
>the system administrator doesn't run "/dev/MAKEDEV generic" (or serial,
>or ...). and it will affect bootdisks (if sven creates a new release).
>should the new makedev go into frozen ?
>regards, andreas
>(i still don't like it, but you conviced me :-) 

Hey, *I'm* still not sure of it either! I'm just playing devil's advocate,
but I haven't convinced myself yet :)

I just checked the taylor uucp source code and it seems safe to have
uucico both setuid and setgid. There are some comments in the source
code warning against this, but they only seem to be for "uucp" and "uux".

So I think it's possible to keep things as they are. Just when you
were almost convinced :)

>(time to implement access control lists ? :-)

That would be even better. Another solution would be to have major/minor
device based lock files instead of name based lock files. Then you could
have multiple dialin/dialout devices with the same major/minor number
but different permissions.

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