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Re: required to be root? (Was: Debian development using ...)

Jean Pierre LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com> wrote:
>I have a question related to this.  It does seem that to
>build a package one needs to be root.  A consequence of this
>it that when I run dpkg-buildpackage, it tries to sign the
>resulting package with the root pgp key.  This doesn't seem
>correct to me.
>What do folks do to get around this problem?

I have a special account on my system called, appropriately enough,
"debian". This account has full access to root priviledges through
sudo: I login as debian, and to build a package, run the command:

dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo

This builds the package, taking up root priviledges only when needed.

Signing files happens without root access.

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