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Re: I18n, Latin. charactersets

>>>>> "DF" == David Frey <david@eos.lugs.ch> writes:

    DF: Surely not. But they have should be shipped in my opinion
    DF: anyways; therefore my suggestion (it's not a big thing, anyone
    DF: needing special, accented characters could do it).

Yes, of course.

    DF: I'm still using XFree 3.1.2. There the dead keys are IMNSHO a
    DF: lost case, I gave it up to configure them correctly in X11 R6
    DF: (in R5 they worked wonderfully, grrr :). Moreover, xmodmap
    DF: strips them silently out, even when they are configured
    DF: correctly in the kernel modmap!

Dead keys seem to work in 3.2.  Only all non ISO 8859-1 characters
typed in any way are rejected. :-(

Milan Zamazal

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