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Well, I decided to try installing 1.2 from scratch.

But I can't get to square one...  When booting the resq disk, the boot
sequence stops at a line

$Id: cm206.c,v 1996/08/11 10:35:01 david Exp $

and never continues...

How do I get past this point?

(I don't have any cdrom drives hooked up at this time, and my HD's are
NCR53C810 scsi.  And smc-ultra card for network.  Not much else).

I tried reserving the addresses of the netcard et al to try and keep
stuff from probing, but it still doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas?

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin
bofh@bofh.me.umn.edu			University of MN, ME Dept

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