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Re: New Debian packages

> At my school, a common game played is iMaze, which is almost like 
> MidiMaze (I think the arenas are bigger, and you are only given one hit 
> before you die, as opposed to three, and I've never been dropped in the 
> middle of a firefight in iMaze.  Also, the scoring is slightly different, 
> in that you lose one kill when you die (if you have any), and games 
> continue open-ended).
> If NetMaze is like -either-, I want to have it...

>From what I gather, netmaze is quite similar to those games.

I have not yet received my account on master, so I cannot upload it.  (Is this because of Bruce's flooding problem?  If so, until he gets his situation fixed, I won't be able to upload to master.)

But... I have put my netmaze package and my modemu package up on my website at http://homepage.midusa.net/~jgoerzen/Debian, so if you want to get a "sneak preview" of netmaze, you're welcome to it.  Send me your comments.

On another note, it is about 90% certain that I will be taking over development of Netmaze soon (if you scan the README files, etc. you'll notice it hasn't been updated in quite some time).  I have already made a number of hacks to add quite a few features in my own spare time over the past few months.  When/if the current author turns it over to me, I will make a new release with those features added.  Those features include multishot, fastwalk, team shots hurt, etc.  At present, the package represents the official version only -- I don't want to cause any undue confusion.

It is still prerelease code -- hopefully that will change soon.  I have made some allusion to that in the docs that I added to the Debian version.  I have also written a "xnetserv" (in Tcl/Tk) interface to the server program to provide a better interface to netserv.

One other thing I need to do for it is add some docs! :-)

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | 
jgoerzen@complete.org | Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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