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Re: ncompress 4.2.4-2 uploaded to lalug.org

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.94.970101092419.30015A-100000@xwing.xwing.org> you wrote:
: Uncompress isn't important to me, compress is.

This is the n'th time this has been discussed on the list, where the value of
n is up to 3 or 4.  

The "uncompress" link provided by the base/essential gzip package is a complete
replacement for the "uncompress" link provided by a compress package.  The gzip
package does *not* provide a "compress" link, since it does not create output
that is compatible with "compress".

In previous iterations of this discussion, it was agreed that the gzip package
would provide the "uncompress" link, and any potential compress packages should
provide only the "compress" binary, with no links.  Yves and I worked this out
with his compress-package thing, and it meets everyone's needs.

Christoph created his package without knowing this, which is fine, since it's
easily fixed.  There isn't any value to making the "uncompress" link part of
the alternatives process, since the gzip link is completely functional, and
guaranteed to always be there since it is a base/essential package.  The
"uncompress.real" link in Christoph's package is, therefore, just (harmless)


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