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Bugs #2714: share files from emacs and Xemacs

> /usr/bin/b2m          | I have mainly no idea what this program are supposed
> /usr/bin/emacsclient  | to do. Someone can help me on this subject? Are
>                       | they can be candidate for alternative, divert or
> 		      | simply renaming (eg. xemacsclient) ???

b2m is supposed to convert Babyl mail format (rmail) to unix mailbox

emacsclient is a program to indicate to an existing emacs session 
that it should edit a new file.  It sends a message to the editor,
which pops up a new emacs window with the file in it, and a message
to the user on how to end that file editting session without
terminating the entire emacs session.

The big issue for using common (or update-alternative) programs
is to verify that the binaries interoperate with either emacs
distribution.  If they interoperate, we can make up a common package.

If they don't, it might be better to provide the same programs under
different names, so they can coexist.


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