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Re: Problems with TeX!

>For what it's worth, I've not had any problems with Debian's TeX; if
>it ain't broke, don't fix it... What advantages does NTeX have over
>ours these days?

Well, with teTeX the primary advantage here is that on all the
platforms here (Debian, SGI, Solaris, SunOS) TeX and friends behave
*identically*, with a centralized file base and font sharing.

A nice secondary advantage is the spiffy texconfig tool.

(Oh, and I never did get T1 encodings working with debian, but I
believe the latest mfdcfont package handles that).

As an aside, since my TeX comes from teTeX and not the debian
packages, is there any simple way to fake out dpkg (so I don't have to
--force dpkg when a package depends on tex) to think I have tex

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin
bofh@bofh.me.umn.edu			University of MN, ME Dept

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