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Marginally related thought on glibc's crypt problem

Sorry to jump in on other people's discussions, but this newbie
developer had a few stray thoughts regarding the glibc-crypt
issues discussed here.  (I _think_ it was here...)

Yes, I'm afraid I have to confirm that the crypt stuff is unexportable
from the US.  The standard unix crypt function uses DES, and DES is
a munition in the eyes of the government.  So, technically, the libc
package just about every linux distribution uses is unexportable.

Which leads me to my random non-sequitor of the day:  When is Debian
moving to PAM?

The reason I ask is that the pam_unix_foo modules don't use crypt.
They have their own replacement built on MD5, which _is_ exportable.
I saw something similar in the glibc source tree when I was looking
at it, under glibc-1.99/crypt.

Which means that once we move to PAM, we don't have to compile crypt
into libc anymore!  We can safely build a legal, exportable library,
and compile the old crypt into alternate versions available at the
european ftp site for export-restricted stuff.

Or am I completely off-base here?

Thanks for your attention,

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