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Re: Shadow passwords

"Brian C. White" <bcwhite@verisim.com> writes:

> So...  Why are they still in "experimental"?  They were supposed to
> be moved to Rex 4 weeks ago.  Obviously, shadow passwords were not
> important enough for this to get done.

If tasks don't get completed, you assume they weren't important?  All
your friends must be very diligent.

This is my fault, as I promised to fully integrate them into the
system.  Some stuff can break with shadow passwords, notably xdm and
adding users with useradd.  But I lacked the time, so it'll have to go
into 1.3.

> What goes on CDs is not my concern.  I'd prefer it if the CD guys
> would put both "stable" and "unstable" on the CD, but that's up to
> them.

Unfortunately CDs are of finite size.


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