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Re: Shadow passwords

Brian C. White:
> So...  Why are they still in "experimental"?  They were supposed to
> be moved to Rex 4 weeks ago.  Obviously, shadow passwords were not
> important enough for this to get done.

Well, I thought they would be moved to Rex since they were on the
list of things to do before the release, posted by you.  The only
missing part was to add shadow support to a few packages, and this
has been done.  You didn't tell me that I have to do something to
move the shadow packages.  I guess it was simply a misunderstanding.

> What goes on CDs is not my concern.  I'd prefer it if the CD guys
> would put both "stable" and "unstable" on the CD, but that's up to
> them.  Somebody (Bruce, I believe) suggested putting an "unstable"
> tree with just the new X packages on the CDs.  Feel free to put
> the shadow password packages in the same place.  I think that's
> a great idea.

The CD has a limited capacity.  I don't think two X distributions
will fit along with the rest of Debian.  I still think we need to
upgrade to the new X, because of the security holes.

The CD guys most likely just put "stable" and "contrib" on their
CDs.  I simply have no way to contact all of them and tell them
"please include these shadow packages too".

> Shadow passwords, however, will not be an official part of Debian 1.2.

OK, they don't need to be official.  I understand that the right place
for unsupported packages is "contrib" - would it be possible to move
them there?  As far as I am concerned, that would be fine for now.
They would be distributed on CDs, dpkg-ftp would know about them, etc.

> As any software hack will tell you, adding new features the day before
> release is a Bad Idea(tm).  Rex was officially frozen 4 weeks ago.  Okay,

I know.  But, if they are completely optional packages...

> I understand.  I feel for you.  But I have to ask...  Why didn't any
> of these people that worked so hard put 10 minutes into moving the
> packages from experimental to rex anytime over the last 5 weeks?

I guess, because a few other packages didn't have shadow support at
that time - but they do now.  Besides, I thought that it was a job of
the archive maintainer to move these packages.  I don't know how
I (for example) could do it in 10 minutes, if I don't even have an
account on master.


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