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Shadow passwords

Brian C. White:
> "unstable" is poorly named.  Recent discussions have suggested naming
> it "unreleased" as the packages in it tend to be very stable.  It's
> just that the system as a whole has not be tested as well as the
> released/stable tree.

OK, but "unstable" does not appear on Debian CDs.  The fact that the
shadow packages are still in "experimental" also suggests that they
have many serious bugs, and many people will be afraid to use them.
No serious bugs in shadow-960810 have been reported to me so far,
and I'm using this package on one of the two servers here (the other
doesn't have as many users, and has X...) without problems.

How about the following compromise: say that shadow passwords are
"not officially supported" in this release (because there may be
still one or two packages without shadow support) but still include
the packages in the distribution.  Since these packages are optional
and new (it's not an upgrade that might break something), I really
fail to see the problem.  (Does this require a new upload, or could
these packages simply be moved by the archive maintainer?)

Many people (not just me) put a lot of work to get shadow support
working - user feedback is essential for this project to succeed.


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