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Re: I like what Debian is trying to do.


	I'll try to flesh out my skeletal ideas on the auto
 build/install with dependency ordering etc folded in.  At the moment,
 I have a rudimentary perl script that parses a Package file and
 writes metaconfig units that encapsulate simple dependencies and
 provides (I left numerical dependencies as an exercise ;-().

	The idea, I think, will be to take as input a file that lists
 packages desired, location of the binary deb directory (or unpacked
 source tree), and create scripts that test for
 a) test for presence of the required packages; either installed or on
 b) install the packages in order
 c) Run through the source tree and dpkg-build and install packages,
    in order

	Hmm.  Maybe I should just produce an ordered list of packages,
 and write scripts that take that and install/build-install as the
 case may be. Yes, that comes closest to the 8-fold path.

	manoj, diving into coding.
 "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
 rearranging their prejudices." William James
Manoj Srivastava                                     <srivasta@datasync.com>

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